How long is "is long pressed" + trigger during duration Q

I've searched and searched and searched and haven't found a true answer for this. How long is "is long pressed" in USB DEVICE KEY for? What's the duration?

Found other people talking about how to fine tune or have longer "pressed" and various variations of it but curious what's the length of time of the native (v10+) "is long pressed" for?

:gift: BONUS POINTS :gift: if you can share how to make a trigger fire once the "is long pressed" duration is met not just after you've held the button down for a bit then it release it in order for the action to trigger.

Thanks in advance!

The default is the same as your system double click interval.

Trigger on Down
Set a local variable to a random value
Set a global variable to that local variable value
Pause the desired amount (perhaps using DOUBLECLICKINTERVAL function)
If the global variable is still set the same as the local variable, perform the actions.

Trigger on Up
Clear the global variable

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