How to contact sales department

I am a reseller of software in Italy.
I have one of my customer who is intersted in some licenses of Keyboard Maestro 5.3.2 and also Keyboard Maestro 6.4.8 and he requested my help to manage this purchase.
On Stairway web site I did not find any sales contact so I sent two email to to request a sales contact or if they could answer to my sales questions, but I did not receive any answer…
So I have just decided to post here my request to have a sales contact to whom I can ask my question and I hope to have this info as soon as possible.


Contact details are at our contact page.

I generally respond to email within a business day, but if you email on Saturday and Tuesday of the Easter long weekend, its a pretty safe bet It’ll take more than a day to catch up with email!

On the bright side, yes, I did have a lovely time away with my family (and its now 10:30pm on Thursday and I’m finally caught up).