Hi, @Ken1. Yes, this should be pretty easy to resolve.
To get an overview, I suggest you read this first: Using 'Set Sound Output' and 'Set Sound Input' Together
That's good! However, since you are having trouble and it's difficult to troubleshoot via the forum, I suggest you start from scratch by completing the following steps. In the long run, it won't take long and it will be worth it :
Delete all of the Set Sound... macros and subroutines you have in the Keyboard Maestro library. This includes the macros you installed from the forum and the calling macros that were automatically created. (The one exception might be the Toggle macro, but even if you delete it, you can easily reinstall it later.)
Confirm that all Set Sound... macros and subroutines are deleted by doing a global search of your macro library.
- In the Keyboard Maestro Editor, press ⌥⌘F or select: Edit > Find > Find in All Macros...
- In the Keyboard Maestro Editor Search field, located in the upper-right, type:
name:"Set Sound"
Download and install Set Sound Output.
From the Keyboard Maestro Editor, execute Set Sound Output as many times as necessary to create a calling macro for each of your sound output devices. Optionally assign hot key triggers for any (or all) of the created calling macros.
Download and install Set Sound Input.
From the Keyboard Maestro Editor, execute Set Sound Input as many times as necessary to create a calling macro for each of your sound input devices. Optionally assign hot key triggers for any (or all) of the created calling macros.
Now you can control your sound output and sound input independently.
If you would like to control both with a single hot key trigger, you could copy one of the output calling macros and, in the copy, paste in the action from one of the input calling macros. For details, refer back to: Using 'Set Sound Output' and 'Set Sound Input' Together
You could optionally create additional output/input combination calling macros.