How to Detect Whether a Specific Hotkey Is Already Used Elsewhere in the System?

Keyboard Maestro is a fantastic app!

How can I detect whether a specific hotkey is already being used elsewhere in the system?

(Checking for hotkey conflicts...)

Might be worth experimenting with this:

KeyCue - find, remember, and learn menu shortcuts

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EDIT: I misread the question - the OP wants to know about hotkeys used elsewhere in the system. But I'll leave this response anyway.

First, select the "All Macros" group. Then use the Search field in the upper right of the editor. The wiki page has information on what to enter in the search field.

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But am I right in thinking that this doesn't give us access to shortcut definitions 'elsewhere in the system' (i.e. from outside Keyboard Maestro) ?

I misread the question. You're right, of course, and now your answer makes more sense to me. :laughing:

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My first question is whether you are referring to macOS shortcuts that appear in the System Preferences / Keyboard / Shortcuts? Is this the list of shortcuts you are wanting to see in a single list?

My second question is do you want to include all the Keyboard Maestro shortcuts in your result?

My third question is why do you want this information? Are you simply trying to prevent a shortcut conflict when you create your own shortcuts?

My recommendation for this sort of thing is ShortcutDetective.


Thanks to all for the help!
I will try the KeyCue app.

To answer to @Sleepy:
Yes, I try to prevent a possible shortcut conflict. Also, I simply want to know what other hotkeys are active on my Mac.

When you say "I simply want to know what other hotkeys are active on my Mac" I presume you want to know not only what hotkeys are active, but what they actually mean. And to do that the only solution is to read what they mean by reading the System Preferences page.

However that gives me an idea. It's possible for KM to activate the System Preferences, page through every page of the hotkeys lists, and return the text as either an image or as text that was OCR'd. But it would take at least 10 seconds to do that, so I don't think it would meet your needs.

Hi @Peter_Panino. This won't work globally, but for a running application, CheatSheet provides a nice summary.

CheatSheet - Know your short cuts

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