How To Format Your Posts Using Markdown, BBCode, HTML

The Discourse forum software does not seem to have a built-in reference for this, so I thought I’d start a reference for Keyboard Maestro forum users.

###How To Format Your Posts Using Markdown, BBCode, HTML

  1. Post by Jeff Atwood, co-founder of
  2. Markdown Reference at

As Jeff says:

  • the Markdown implementation is very close to the standard at
  • We support a subset of “common” BBCode.

###Markdown Applications for Mac

A Markdown editor for developers, on Mac OS X. Features live preview, sync scroll, auto save, powerful actions, auto pair, custom themes and CSS, HTML and PDF export, enhanced CJK support and more. Beta is not ready for Mac OS Sierra yet.

####Please Contribute
I have set this post to be a “wiki” post, so that all can edit and contribute.
Please help us improve this topic.


For beginners to Markdown, there is a helpful, “10 Minute Tutorial” at Reference #2 above.

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I use MacDown: The open source Markdown editor for OS X. — quite sufficient for my needs. And free.

A more comprehensive guide to formatting forum posts may be found here:

Entering and Enhancing Forum Posts