Entering and Enhancing Forum Posts

The Keyboard Maestro forum is built on the Discourse platform. Many forums are built using Discourse, but all differ some depending on the configuration, which can include Discourse Plugins.

The purpose of this post is to list the syntax that can be used within the posts of this forum.

If you use the information below, you will find that your posts will be more attractive and easier for others to comprehend.

Each folding section includes one or more syntaxes. For each entry there will be some monospaced text with faint shaded background. This is the syntax that is used when composing a forum entry. Immediately below the shaded area will be the corresponding appearance (a.k.a. render) of that monospaced text.

If I've missed anything, please use the forum editor to confirm the oversight and then comment below. I will update this post accordingly.

Bold; Italic; Strikethrough; Big; Small; Superscript; Subscript
**Bold Method 1**
__Bold Method 2__

Bold Method 1
Bold Method 2

*Italic Method 1*
_Italic Method 2_

Italic Method 1
Italic Method 2

***Bold Italic Method 1***
_**Bold Italic Method 2**_

Bold Italic Method 1
Bold Italic Method 2



Here's some <big>big text</big> .

Here's some big text .

Here's some <small>small text</small> .

Here's some small text.

The temperature is 72 <sup>o</sup>F today.

The temperature is 72 oF today.

There's nothing as refreshing as a cool glass of H<sub>2</sub>O.

There's nothing as refreshing as a cool glass of H2O.

Text Highlighting: Yellow; Green & Underline; Red & Strikethrough
<mark>yellow background</mark>

yellow background

<ins>green background, underline</ins>

green background, underline

<del>red background, strikethrough</del>

red background, strikethrough

Blockquote; Quote; Discourse Quote
> Blockquote **level 1**
>> Blockquote *level 2*

Blockquote level 1

Blockquote level 2

### Heading 3
  **Bold** *Italic*

[quote="_jims, post:1, topic:33797"]
One possible application...

Code; Fenced Code Block
This text is some `code123` within another element (in this case, a paragraph).

This text is some code123 within another element (in this case, a paragraph).

    text with 4-space (or tab) prefix
text with 4-space (or tab) prefix

tell application "Keyboard Maestro.app"
end tell
tell application "Keyboard Maestro.app"
end tell

Horizontal Rule; Keyboard Key; Forum Username





Heading 1 to Heading 5
# Heading 1

Heading 1

## Heading 2

Heading 2

### Heading 3

Heading 3

#### Heading 4

Heading 4

##### Heading 5
Heading 5

Unordered List
- Item I
- Item II
  • Item I
  • Item II

- Item A
  - Item A1
    - Item A1a
- Item B
  - Item B1
    - Item B1a
  • Item A
    • Item A1
      • Item A1a
  • Item B
    • Item B1
      • Item B1a

- Item I

- Item II
  • Item I

  • Item II

- Item A

  - Item A1

    - Item A1a

- Item B

  - Item B1

    - Item B1a
  • Item A

    • Item A1

      • Item A1a
  • Item B

    • Item B1

      • Item B1a

Ordered List
1. Item 1
1. Item 2
1. Item 3
  1. Item 1
  2. Item 2
  3. Item 3

9. Item 9
1. Item 10
1. Item 11
  1. Item 9
  2. Item 10
  3. Item 11

1. Item 1
   1. Item 1-1
   1. Item 1-2
1. Item 2
   1. Item 2-1
      1. Item 2-1-1
      1. Item 2-1-2
   1. Item 2-2
1. Item 3
1. Item 4
  1. Item 1
    1. Item 1-1
    2. Item 1-2
  2. Item 2
    1. Item 2-1
      1. Item 2-1-1
      2. Item 2-1-2
    2. Item 2-2
  3. Item 3
  4. Item 4

9. Item 9

1. Item 10

1. Item 11
  1. Item 9

  2. Item 10

  3. Item 11

3. Item 3

   1. Item 3-1
   1. Item 3-2

1. Item 4

   1. Item 4-1
      1. Item 4-1-1
      1. Item 4-1-2
   1. Item 4-2

  1. Item 3

    1. Item 3-1
    2. Item 3-2
  2. Item 4

    1. Item 4-1
      1. Item 4-1-1
      2. Item 4-1-2
    2. Item 4-2

Mixed List; Ordered List w/ Letters (via HTML)
9. Item 9
   - Item 9A
   - Item 9B
     - Item 9B1
1. Item 10
  1. Item 9
    • Item 9A
    • Item 9B
      • Item 9B1
  2. Item 10

<ol type="A">
 <li>Item A</li>
 <li>Item B</li>
 <li>Item C</li>
  1. Item A
  2. Item B
  3. Item C

<ol type="a">
 <li>Item A</li>
 <li>Item B</li>
 <li>Item C</li>
  1. Item a
  2. Item b
  3. Item c

| Syntax | Description |
| --- | ----------- |
| Header | Title |
| Paragraph | Text |
Syntax Description
Header Title
Paragraph Text

| Tables   |      Are      |  Cool |
| col 1 is |  left-aligned | $1600 |
| col 2 is |    centered   |   $12 |
| col 3 is | right-aligned |    $1 |
Tables Are Cool
col 1 is left-aligned $1600
col 2 is centered $12
col 3 is right-aligned $1


||Column A|Column B|Column C|
|Row 1|A|Simple|Table|
|Row 2|is|easy|to|
|Row 3|create|in|Excel|
Column A Column B Column C
Row 1 A Simple Table
Row 2 is easy to
Row 3 create in Excel

Markdown Tables Generator


Link; Image
[Apple website](https://apple.com)

Apple website

![alt text](image.jpg)

alt text

Abbreviation (a.k.a. Acronym)
The <abbr title="HyperText Markup Language">HTML</abbr> standard was first published in 1993.

The HTML standard was first published in 1993.

Folding Section
[details=Not Much ( expand / collapse )]
One line of text.

Not Much ( expand / collapse )

One line of text.

[details=Mixed Content ( expand / collapse )]
# Header 1

echo "Hello! What's your name?"
read name
echo "Nice to meet you, $name!"

- Item 1
  - Item 1a
- Item 2

Mixed Content ( expand / collapse )

Header 1

echo "Hello! What's your name?"
read name
echo "Nice to meet you, $name!"
  • Item 1
    • Item 1a
  • Item 2

This sentence includes two footnotes: one here[^1] and another here[^2].

[^2]: The second footnote.

* When composing, footnotes can be entered anywhere in the post; the editor preview, however, will display the footnotes at the end of the post.

* Once a post is submitted, footnotes will be rendered like a tooltip adjacent to the referring text. The contents appear when the footnote marker is clicked, however, not on hover as with traditional tooltips.

* Text identifiers (no spaces or tabs) can also be used.[^one_more]

[^1]: The first footnote.
[^one_more]: The final footnote.

This sentence includes two footnotes: one here[1] and another here[2].

  • When composing, footnotes can be entered anywhere in the post; the editor preview, however, will display the footnotes at the end of the post.

  • Once a post is submitted, footnotes will be rendered like a tooltip adjacent to the referring text. The contents appear when the footnote marker is clicked, however, not on hover as with traditional tooltips.

  • Text identifiers (no spaces or tabs) can also be used.[3]

:smile:   :sweat_smile:   :nerd_face:   :thinking:   :scream:
:cold_sweat:   :person_shrugging:
:+1:   :clap:   :heavy_check_mark: 
:pushpin:   :no_entry_sign: 

:smile: :sweat_smile: :nerd_face: :thinking: :scream:
:cold_sweat: :person_shrugging:
:+1: :clap: :heavy_check_mark:
:pushpin: :no_entry_sign:

github markdown emoji markup


Related Information

Extended Markdown


Extended Markdown


If you'd like a macro to make if easier/faster to enter some of the above syntax, check out: Augment or Filter Text

  1. The first footnote. ↩︎

  2. The second footnote. ↩︎

  3. The final footnote. ↩︎



Thanks for this!

[a few edits later] Hey, a little update: for keyboard key formatting, "kbrd" seems to have evolved to "kbd", e.g.:





thx :wink:

1 Like

It's <kbd> and </kbd>...


While this works here for display purposes, these aren't actually nested ordered lists so may catch out other processors.

True ordered lists begin with a number, are self-numbering based on the first item, and can be nested by preceding with 3+ spaces:

3. Item A
  1. Item A1
  1. Item A2
1. Item B
  1. Item B1
  3. Item B2
  2. Item B3
  1. Item A
    1. Item A1
    2. Item A2
  2. Item B
    1. Item B1
    2. Item B2
    3. Item B3

I missed this useful post the first time around so I am glad to see it now.

Since the date of that post, Discourse has provided support for Markdown footnotes (I used them before that but they would appear as raw text).

Here is an example of using footnotes in the post editor.

This text has a footnote attached.[^1] Some more text.

Some more text with another footnote attached.[^2]

The post continues...

[^1]: The first footnote.
[^2]: The second.

That example is rendered as follows.

This text has a footnote attached.[1] Some more text.

Some more text with another footnote attached.[2]

The post continues...

Once posted, the footnotes appear like tooltips. In the editor (including its preview pane), they appear, conventionally, at the bottom.

  1. The first footnote. ↩︎

  2. The second. ↩︎


Thanks, @maesterious, @tiffle, and @Nige_S. I've updated the OP.


Thanks, @kevinb; I've updated the OP.

1 Like

That line is out of place but could just be deleted.

1 Like

Is it really out of place? Isn’t the point of having it there to illustrate that when composing the post one can enter…

[^1]: The first footnote.
[^2]: The seconds footnote.

… anywhere in the text?

Maybe I’m overlooking something; I’ve not used a footnote until now. :wink:

Although footnotes do not have to entered at the end of the text, that is where they are traditionally found, so I think it may help a reader's comprehension to see them entered after "The body of the post continues..."

I would suggest the following but I will leave it with you. :+1:

I have also:

  • changed "seconds" to "second"
  • added a footnote using a text identifier (which is an option that I have just learned of);
  • changed "can appear" to "can be entered", for clarity;
  • changed "rendered as a tooltip" to "rendered like a tooltip" (the contents appear when the footnote marker is clicked, and not on hover as with a tooltip).
1 Like

I've updated the OP again. I think I've covered the points that both of us wanted to include.

Thanks for the feedback, @kevinb!


Found a few others that seem to work here:

<big>big</big> and <small>small</small>
big and small

<abbr title='Fouled&nbsp;up&nbsp;beyond&nbsp;all&nbsp;recognition'>fubar</abbr>

fubar (hover 'fubar' to see)

<sup>Superscript</sup> and <sub>Subscript</sub>

Superscript and Subscript

Also, you can start a table in Excel or Google Docs and paste it; much simpler than trying to write one from scratch:


Copy that, paste here, and…

||Column A|Column B|Column C|
|Row 1|A|Simple|Table|
|Row 2|is|easy|to|
|Row 3|create|in|Excel|

...instant table!



This is very helpful thank you for posting this, I will be using this often!

1 Like

Thanks, @griffman. I've added your finds to the OP: Entering and Enhancing Forum Posts

1 Like