Entering and Enhancing Forum Posts

The Keyboard Maestro forum is built on the Discourse platform. Many forums are built using Discourse, but all differ some depending on the configuration, which can include Discourse Plugins.

The purpose of this post is to list the syntax that can be used within the posts of this forum.

If you use the information below, you will find that your posts will be more attractive and easier for others to comprehend.

Each folding section includes one or more syntaxes. For each entry there will be some monospaced text with faint shaded background. This is the syntax that is used when composing a forum entry. Immediately below the shaded area will be the corresponding appearance (a.k.a. render) of that monospaced text.

If I've missed anything, please use the forum editor to confirm the oversight and then comment below. I will update this post accordingly.

Bold; Italic; Strikethrough
**Bold Method 1**
__Bold Method 2__

Bold Method 1
Bold Method 2

*Italic Method 1*
_Italic Method 2_

Italic Method 1
Italic Method 2

***Bold Italic Method 1***
_**Bold Italic Method 2**_

Bold Italic Method 1
Bold Italic Method 2



Text Highlighting: Yellow; Green & Underline; Red & Strikethrough
<mark>yellow background</mark>

yellow background

<ins>green background, underline</ins>

green background, underline

<del>red background, strikethrough</del>

red background, strikethrough

Blockquote; Quote; Discourse Quote
> Blockquote **level 1**
>> Blockquote *level 2*

Blockquote level 1

Blockquote level 2

### Heading 3
  **Bold** *Italic*

[quote="_jims, post:1, topic:33797"]
One possible application...

Code; Fenced Code Block
This text is some `code123` within another element (in this case, a paragraph).

This text is some code123 within another element (in this case, a paragraph).

    text with 4-space (or tab) prefix
text with 4-space (or tab) prefix

tell application "Keyboard Maestro.app"
end tell
tell application "Keyboard Maestro.app"
end tell

Horizontal Rule; Keyboard Key; Forum Username





Heading 1 to Heading 5
# Heading 1

Heading 1

## Heading 2

Heading 2

### Heading 3

Heading 3

#### Heading 4

Heading 4

##### Heading 5
Heading 5

Ordered List; Unordered List
1. Item A
a. Item A1
b. Item A2

2. Item B
a. Item B1
b. Item B2

3. Item C

4. Item D
  1. Item A
    a. Item A1
    b. Item A2

  2. Item B
    a. Item B1
    b. Item B2

  3. Item C

  4. Item D

- Item I

- Item II
  • Item I

  • Item II

- Item A
  - Item A1
    - Item A1a
- Item B
  - Item B1
    - Item B1a
  • Item A
    • Item A1
      • Item A1a
  • Item B
    • Item B1
      • Item B1a

| Syntax | Description |
| --- | ----------- |
| Header | Title |
| Paragraph | Text |
Syntax Description
Header Title
Paragraph Text

| Tables   |      Are      |  Cool |
| col 1 is |  left-aligned | $1600 |
| col 2 is |    centered   |   $12 |
| col 3 is | right-aligned |    $1 |
Tables Are Cool
col 1 is left-aligned $1600
col 2 is centered $12
col 3 is right-aligned $1

Markdown Tables Generator

Markdown Tables generator - TablesGenerator.com

Link; Image
[Apple website](https://apple.com)

Apple website

![alt text](image.jpg)

alt text

Folding Section
[details=Not Much ( expand / collapse )]
One line of text.

Not Much ( expand / collapse )

One line of text.

[details=Mixed Content ( expand / collapse )]
# Header 1

echo "Hello! What's your name?"
read name
echo "Nice to meet you, $name!"

- Item 1
  - Item 1a
- Item 2

Mixed Content ( expand / collapse )

Header 1

echo "Hello! What's your name?"
read name
echo "Nice to meet you, $name!"
  • Item 1
    • Item 1a
  • Item 2

:smile:   :sweat_smile:   :nerd_face:   :thinking:   :scream:
:cold_sweat:   :person_shrugging:
:+1:   :clap:   :heavy_check_mark: 
:pushpin:   :no_entry_sign: 

:smile: :sweat_smile: :nerd_face: :thinking: :scream:
:cold_sweat: :person_shrugging:
:+1: :clap: :heavy_check_mark:
:pushpin: :no_entry_sign:

github markdown emoji markup

Complete list of github markdown emoji markup · GitHub

Related Information

Extended Markdown

Basic Syntax | Markdown Guide

Extended Markdown

Extended Syntax | Markdown Guide

If you'd like a macro to make if easier/faster to enter some of the above syntax, check out: Augment or Filter Text