On my WooCommerce Orders page, there's a pop-up entitled "Bulk Actions." (At least to me as a human being, it's a pop-up. Dunno if it's a JavaScript initiator thingy or what, and I tried using the Web Inspector from the Developer menu, but it's honestly way above my head.) I used KM's Set field to //SELECT[@id="bulk-action-selector-top"] → various options to test it, but when I try the macro, the pop-up menu ends up blank, not selecting any of the (correctly typed) options. So question #1 is how to do that correctly. (I know it's operating on the right pop-up menu, because it actually does something to the menu, but it doesn't do anything useable.)
Next, I want KM to click the Apply button (in the screenshot). How do I accomplish that?
function clickAction(actionName) {
const tSelAction = document.getElementById("bulk-action-selector-top"); // set selectId
if (tSelAction) {
const selOption = [...tSelAction.options].find(f => f.label === actionName);
if (selOption) {
tSelAction.value = selOption.value;
document.getElementById("appyButtonId").click(); // set buttonId
clickAction("Bulk actions choice"); // Fill in the select choice text
you might want to test the above code in web browser developer console first.
Thanks so much, macdevign_mac. I don't know the first thing about Javascript, so I wasn't sure where to fill in the select choice text. So I tried it in two different places, and I'm afraid neither worked.
I first tried (just including the last line, since if I understand correctly, I wasn't supposed to mess with anything else):
clickAction("Move to Trash"); // Fill in the select choice text
… and then tried:
clickAction("Bulk actions choice"); Move to Trash // Fill in the select choice text
Again, neither did anything. Any other suggestions?
Also, when I do get the "Bulk actions" popup to select the "Move to Trash" option, how do I then get KM to click the "Apply" button?
Sorry, just to be clearer, I meant to say that I only included the last line HERE in my forum question (just to keep it short). Of course, I pasted the whole thing you sent into the KM Execute JavaScript window.
Okay. Well, I honestly don't even know how to do that, so have asked a web-savvier friend for help with that. Once he identifies the three elements (Select All Orders checkbox, Bulk Actions→Move to Trash, Apply), I will come back to ask how to get KM to do those things.