How to make a Shortcut for Tinderbox Export as HTML?

Dear Peter N Lewis,

This is my first writing.

Will you do me a favor ?

When I use Tinderbox6,
I would like use Keyboard Maestro [Shift+Cmnd +H] for Tinderbox 6 export as HTML.

With Tinderbox’s Keyboard shortcut for export as HTML should be [Shift + Cmnd +H] .

But I could not use even
MacOSX > System Preference> application > shortcut >>Shift+Cmnd+H
with OSX10.11.6.

Please help me how can I use Keyboard Maestro’s macro for this HTML export using Tinderbox6.6.3 ?

Yours, WAKAMATSU Kunimitsu

Hey There,

Without having Tinderbox one can’t test, so all is conjecture.

Have a peek at this action, and see if that helps you.

If not then you’ll need to provide us more information about the export process in Tinderbox.


Dear Chris and Peter N Lewis,

Thank you for your pointing.

Keyboard Shortcut [ Shift + Cmnd + H ] performed a task as directed.

I land on my feet.

I express my thanks, again.


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