I know I'm missing something silly, but I just can't see it. I want to press the F18 key and have Devonthink open to a specific database. When I create this macro and press F18, all I get a sound and Devonthink doesn't open.
Runs just fine from the run button. I did check to see if there was a conflicting hot key, but I can't find one. It seems that no hot key works (I changed the trigger to 5 others).
I notice that your trigger settings – inherited, perhaps from some group settings – specify that the hot-key is only defined when DevonThink is the front application.
I wonder if you are trying F18 before DT is open, or when it doesn’t have focus ?
Bingo! That was exactly the problem. I put the macro in my DevonThink group forgetting the reason for the group. I moved the macro out of that group and now it works perfectly. Thanks @ComplexPoint!