How to open an Airmail URL in Microsoft Edge (VMware Fusion)?

I handle my e-mail via Airmail 5.5.3. Clients sent me translation jobs via RWS Trados GroupShare (automated project management, here's a demo). I receive emails that contain a link like:

When I click on the link, I get:

When I click on 'Allow' while VMware Fusion 12.2.3. is open with Windows 10 Home 21H1 running, nothing happens: Trados Studio 2022 isn't launched. Even when I launch Trados myself and switch to the Welcome page, clicking on the link in Airmail doesn't open the GroupShare project in Trados.

Question: How can I send the URL from Airmail directly to Microsoft Edge in Windows 10 (Fusion)?

This seems to work (even without any macro):

  • Switch Fusion to Unity mode (View » Unity).
  • Launch Trados.
  • Make sure that the Welcome page is active.
  • Launch Edge for Windows (not sure if this is really necessary)
  • Click on the Trados project URL in Airmail.

When I did this, an already checked out Trados project was activated (displayed).

However, since I currently have a fresh project, I cannot test the whole procedure right now. (Don't wan't to overwrite/delete the existing project, since I still have to check it in.)