How to Paste a Shorter Short Date: YY-MM-DD?

There seems to be no obvious way to paste the shorter short date, YY-MM-DD. All I see is YYYY-MM-DD.

Does anyone have a suggestion? Thanks!

yes, just use "yy" instead of "yyyy":

Thanks. Does that work for you? Does not work for me. First of all, when I select the token you used, I get this: %ICUDateTime%EEE, MMM d, yyyy h:mm%

If I edit the string to be what you show, %ICUDateTime%yy/MM/dd%, nothing happens when I run the macro. Here's my screen shot:

Not sure why %ICUDateTime%yy/MM/dd% is not working there.

Attached the macro (in disabled state, you'll need to enable it)

short date.kmmacros (2.3 KB)


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Thanks. No luck. I downloaded the macro, opened the file and it popped into KM as follows, and I gave it a hot key.

I'm using ver. 9.2 of KM, running OS 10.14 Does it matter that I'm in trial mode? My other shortcuts are working so far.

Where are you getting this string: %ICUDateTime%yy/MM/dd%

Are you editing the longer string for "Formatted (ICU) Date Time" %ICUDateTime%EEE, MMM d, yyyy h:mm% ???

Thanks for trying.

That's working! No idea what's changed. But thanks!

It looks to me like I was pasting the same thing we tried at the beginning, but this time it worked. I then changed the slashes to hyphens.

Thank you so much for your time and help.

One way to quickly test and diagnose an issue like this is to set a KM Variable to the token, and observe what the real-time KM Editor displays as the result:


As you can see here I am using your exact token, and it is working.
Running Keyboard Maestro 9.2 on macOS 10.14.6 (Mojave).

See KM Wiki: Dates and Times .


Hi, JM. Thanks for the tip. I copied what you did (except put in dashes for slashes). Check out what it shows underneath, next to the word "empty". The month is "33" !!! A moment earlier it was 32.

You did "mm" = minutes. He did MM = month

Ha! Well spotted. I wondered what was up with the capital M.

If you're interested, the ICU time/date formatting guide is at


Or simply look at the KM wiki here

The Wiki gives some examples, but if you need to see the various formatting permutations, it sends you to the page I linked to :smile:

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The link to this document is available in the Keyboard Maestro Editor's Help menu, although the address has changed a bit:



Even better!!

IMO, the best place to start is the KM Wiki article I posted above:

It provides some very good examples, and links to all of the related ICUDateTime token that have been listed above.

Thanks everone for the help. This was crucial to me being able to use KM, which I was trialing, but will now buy. Cheers.


Hey Dieter,

Welcome to the club!  :smiley:

You'll never regret it.
