How to set MS Outlook to share Macros?

Can I make MS Outlook Exchange my default mail program and accessible in the "Share the selected macro" pull-down menu?

I set "Outlook Exchange" as the default email reader, but then "Mail" disappeared from the menu.

Did you check the system settings - extensions - share to see if MS Outlook is included and activated?


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Thanks. I did look there, with no luck. Maybe it's something I need to download. I'll keep looking into it.

Hey Ray,

What version of Outlook are you using?


I'm afraid you're not alone with this problem until today.

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MS Outlook 16.16

According to the Microsoft Outlook forum Microsoft does not have a Share Menu plugin.

Hey Ray,

Oh, well...

You can script this with Office 2011, although it's not trivial.

It looks like it can be done with Office 2016 as well.
