When you use the Debugger Breakpoint This Macro Action it opens the Debugger window, which shows the next Action, or branch in a IF/THEN or Switch, that will take place.
When I do debugging, I already have the Macro open in the KM Editor, and as I step through the debugger, I can scroll the Macro.
It is about 17 min, and has NOT been polished in any way. I do plan on publishing a polished (probably re-recorded) version in the near future. But in the interest of sharing my debugging technique, I thought I'd share this very rough cut with you now.
If you start watching and are not getting any value out of it, then by all means feel free to quit watching.
I do invite constructive feedback, but please don't just say it's terrible. Please be specific, and if you can provide suggestions for improvement. If you would prefer, you can just reply with a "Helpful" or a "Not Helpful".
Please do ask questions, if you like. If what I show you does not make sense, then let me know and I'll try to clarify.
That is a great tip I didn't realize that was there, thanks.
Thanks for making this video, great to see your workflow and how you the debugger macros in Keyboard Maestro. "Helpful"
As far as some hopefully constructive feedback, you know it is a rough video and I would take that in a heartbeat over no video to be sure. A few things that I know would take you more time and effort so take this with a grain of salt but only because you invited constructive feedback.
Smaller bit size chunks of each section of what you are doing. I made several video tutorials and found 2-5 minutes is about right. Make them in a small playlist of say "Keyboard Maestro Debugger Workflow"
Bite-Size Video 1: In the case of your video start with the Macro working and show us what it is supposed to do first. Then go back to the broken macro and run it and show where it fails.
Bite-Size Video 2: A simple explanation of each step of the macro and it's intended purpose. It doesn't need to go into the details of how the time format works and converts (that would be a different video in a different playlist). Just keep the focus on debugging macros.
Bite-Size Video 3: Using Keyboard Maestro debugging actions and seeing the errors in realtime and then fixing them.
Bite-Size Video 4: Explaining what the reason is for each debugger macro you added and support macros you are referencing (as in around 15 minutes).
Bite-Size Video 5: One or two other slightly more complicated video of debugging a macro using the stuff you already explained in the other video to get some examples of it in action.
Again all that being said that ups the ante quite a bit and keeps people from even making a video in the first place so seeing something in action and the processes used is very helpful. If I were to just boil it down to one quick video just show what the macro does working first and explain its purpose.
You have one new subscriber. Thank you for your time and for making this video!
I apologize for the delay.
thanks very much for your video which I watched now a few times.
In it you refer to your error macro which seems very interesting, considering that I try to decipher my errors with the truncated 3 line notifications. Is your macro in the KBM library ?
I was just about to post my "KM Error Report" macro, and got notification of a change coming to KM soon that changes the error logging. So, I need to test and adapt my macro that those changes before I publish it.