I'm trying to get it to open an app after 2pm if there's inactivity (30 minutes of doing nothing) on the machine. Only want to do it once though, so if there's activity until 3:45pm the app opens at 3:45, but not 3:46 and 3:47 - is there a way to do this with Keyboard Maestro?
So I want Keyboard Maestro to open Messenger (or bring it to front) on the condition that:
it's after 2pm
it's after 30 minutes of inactivity
So if I'm not on my computer since 1:30pm, Messenger would be opened at 2pm, whereas if I'm on my computer until 3:07pm, Messenger would be opened at 3:37pm. But I only want that action to be done once day, so if Messenger is opened at 2pm, it wouldn't be opened at 2:01pm and so on.
What you need to do is have messenger topenable (not execute) messenger sub at 2pm, and when messenger sub runs (after the appropriate idle time) its final action is to disable itself. So something like: