How to type this text?

I want to type this text when I use a macro. The text is now unformatted typed. How can I do this with formatting?

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Cees Coenen
Websites die werken | Digital Agency & Advies | Dirigent & Arrangeur

06-10284340 :clap:

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Have you instead tried putting the formatted text on a "Named Clipboard" and, in your macro, using the "Paste from Named Clipboard" action to insert it?

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You may be able to use Insert Text by Pasting action.

But note that styled text varies from application to application on the Mac, and so it's not a guarentee.

And @Nige_S suggests, you might be able to copy it in the application in question, and save that copy to a Named Clipboard, and that should generally work.

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Thanks you @Nige_S and @peternlewis . I didn't know the Named clipboard. I have a lot to learn. It looks like it works!

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