This is what I want to happen. Use a shortcut ⌘⌥T and have it cycle between triggering two different macros every time I press it
The first time I press ⌘⌥T it will trigger macro 1
The second time I press ⌘⌥T it will trigger macro 2
The third time I press ⌘⌥T it will trigger macro 1
And so on...
Hi! Can you attach the picture with "In a third macro, I’ll call the “Master Macro”? It helps me a lot, i'm new in keyboard maestro. I can't understand this part
Use a IF THEN action to:
IF Variable Macro_Last_Run = “1”
THEN Execute Macro “Macro #2”
ELSE Execute Macro “Macro #1”
No problem. And yes, the last part is basically only for the first time the macro is run, so that you don't need to create the MacroNumber variable manually in order for it to work.