Very helpful in seeing if our listing is in the SERPs of different google searches, thank you.
How would I get the line number of the text I'm looking for in the variable. GS__LinkList
ie. I'm looking for house-cleaning within the URL's that are returned, if that text is in one of the URL's I'd like to know what number line its on.
This way I can programmatically track the results monthly.
Thank you in advance.
Apologies, I just realized I replied to your 'Macro Library' post.
Can you move this to a new post titled Get line numbers of variable or something like that?
• To facilitate the reading, customizing, and maintenance of this macro,
key Actions are colored as follows:
• GREEN -- Key Comments designed to highlight main sections of macro
• MAGENTA -- Actions designed to be customized by user
• YELLOW -- Primary Actions (usually the main purpose of the macro)
• ORANGE -- Actions that permanently destroy Varibles or Clipboards
(1) Keyboard Maestro Ver 7.2.1+
(2) Yosemite (10.10.5)+
(3) Safari or Google Chrome
Thank you @JMichaelTX for your time.
I do get an error when running the macro. Although I have worked a bit revising your initial macro to create what is a good solution for me.
I periodically check our SERPs.
We have 2 different websites that I check for.
This macro will check the current results and show if either of those 2 sites are listed and their # position.
I know my macro could be done cleaner, and it's probably a bit rough around the edges but for now, it does exactly what I need it to do.
Could have never ever gotten to this point without your expert help and initial macro, so as always, many thank you's to you @JMichaelTX
That error means that the Execute JavaScript did NOT find any results of the Google Search.
Did you first do a Google Search, and with that as the frontmost window, trigger the macro?
If you still can't resolve the error, change the Execute JavaScript Action to "display results in a window" so you can see what it returns. Copy/Screenshot that an post here.
ok, I'm obviously missing the entire boat here, I apologize.
I downloaded a fresh macro from above.
I did a google search in safari.
I ran the script - it error'd out.
I changed the JavaScript action from 'save results to a variable' to 'display results in a window and it still error's.
As I said, I don't need this particular macro any longer, it was the complete basis for the macro I altered and now works for me.
But I don't need to make this work.
I appreciate your help.
Search google for Yonkers House Cleaning
Run the macro - it does not display the results in a window - it returns nothing. 2019-08-26 12:47:16 Prompt With List failed with no result Macro “Get Selected URL and Line Number from List [Example]” cancelled (while executing Prompt With List “” from Variable “Local__URL_List”).