HTML Prompt in Keyboard Maestro v10+

With the new v10 options for HTML prompt we can turn of the title bar, but with it the CLOSE button disappears. How can we close this window now? Only if i quit the KM engine it will close.

Just add a Close button.

Custom HTML Prompt Action (v10.0) Close Button

Custom HTML Prompt.kmactions (1.4 KB)

Keyboard Maestro Export


I have reported an issue (possible bug) with keypress event listener when the title is disabled here:


Update to 10.0.1 a change have been made to this.

But I still have no idea how to close the HTML window when it has no title bar, other then adding a Close button.

Hi @Fokke,

We need to use javascript to respond to keypress event.

Here is a sample macro that I made to display the variable DisplayText.

It attempts to simulate the "Display Text Large" action on Mac.

You may press Esc to close the window.

HTML Test (Require v10).kmmacros (3.4 KB)


thanks! that is helpful!