I Want to Make a Dual Finder Macro

Hey @igh_033,

We need to see the macro file in order to fully discover what you're doing...

  • I would have this macro in a Finder-specific macro group.
  • You have it set to NOT work if the Finder is frontmost.
  • We don't know how you're running the macro...
    • Using 'Try' is fraught with opportunities for mistakes.
    • I always test with a hotkey trigger until I get the macro working properly.

When posting macros to the Keyboard Maestro forum please use these guidelines:

  1. Always Post a Macro File.

    • Post the simplest possible macro that illustrates the problem you're having.
    • Macros often contain tricky little bits that are likely to be missed in a written explanation.
    • Providing a real and testable example is a courtesy, and if people don't have to reinvent the wheel to test your macro it significantly improves the odds that someone will help you.
  2. Always Post a Macro Image.

    • Folks generally won't download something they haven't eyeballed first, so an image of the macro is crucial.

If you haven't seen these they're worth a moment of your time:

Take Care,

(Keyboard Maestro Moderator)