Icon Chooser Request: Coloured Foregrounds for SF Symbols

I'm embarrassed to admit how satisfying I would find this nit-picky change, but— I wish we could change foreground colours for the SF Symbols the same as we can for the Unicode ones. I know it sounds silly, but I prefer black backgrounds with colourful icons. And though I have tried to talk myself out of it, this preference has not gone away over time.

Also, the move left/right arrows have disappeared – at least for me. I notice now that when I click away from the Character palette to the Applications or Internal palettes, the move left/right arrows re-appear briefly before the newly-clicked palette appears.

Thank you for your patience with my OCD!

From what I read, "SF Symbols 6" are designed to be colour-modifiable using programming languages or apps that handle that for you. Which programming language, or app, are you using?


I'm just using the native Icon Chooser in KM.
