Ideas for A Correspondence Macro

We draw plans for realtors.
After drawn we print as pdf & email out.

On the draft we include the following:
Agent - (Branch)
Property address
Please check and email back

Faxed on the Todays date

There are a lot of ways to skin a cat. Have looked at Typeit4Me.
However, need drop down menus for

Agent might contain 25+, branch 20+ within agent, Client_Contact within branch.

Any suggestions how I can go about this and whether km is a better solution than Typeit4me much appreciated.

Appreciate suggestions as to how to create this.

Hey Michael,

While I used TypeIt4Me for many years, I use Typinator these days...

Typinator Forms

Keyboard Maestro's User Prompt is very powerful as well:

Prompt for User Input action


Cheers Chris

I think I will have a go with km first. Be a challenge for me but nothing ventured…

Appreciate suggestion re Typinator so will have a look as well.

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I'd like to ditch TextExpander in favour of Typinator. One thing that keeps me from a complete switch is the lack of a more visual dropdown selection form. Like this:

I appreciate that Typinator has choice, options, selections as well. However as far as I can tell, the app doesn't offer an option to see the whole email at a glance before starting the selection. Am I right? Is there a workaround?

My skills with the KM action "Custom HTML Prompt" are pretty weak, but I'll be that this action would be able to achieve behavior like the screenshot above, with its embedded drop-down menu bars.

I'll give it a shot myself today, but there's only a 20% chance I'll succeed.

I just got a very early prototype working. Here's the example: (I just pulled this HTML down off the Internet)

Custom HTML Prompt Action (v10.0.2)

Custom HTML Prompt.kmactions (1.2 KB)

Kudos for the effort! This prototype will come in handy. I am sure there are hundreds of Typinator users that would love something like this!

I'll keep an eye for a more developed version of the macro. I'd be glad to contribute if my skills were better. Still figuring out the basics.

I think I'm more of a Beta now than a prototype. Here's the action:

And here's the primitive result:

Screen Shot 2022-03-06 at 3.39.23 PM

I'm still working on some issues, but this is a good start.

I'm trying to return the results of the choices from the Custom HTML action. Currently my HTML code can return a string constant, but I can't get it to return any other string, such as the Choice1 variable that my HTML created for the first choice:

<!DOCTYPE html>
  <select name="Choice" id="Choice1">
     <option value="Dear">Dear</option>
     <option value="Hello">Hello</option>  </select>
   <select name="Choice" id="Choice2">
     <option value="Sleepy Dwarf">Sleepy Dwarf</option>
     <option value="Dan">Dan</option>  </select>
 Good Day!   <select name="Choice" id="Choice3">
     <option value="Regards">Regards</option>
     <option value="Love">Love</option>  </select>
  <form action="/action_page.php">
  <button name="OK" type="button" onclick="window.KeyboardMaestro.Submit('MyResult')">OK


Can anyone explain how to replace the string 'MyResult' with the result of a single HTML variable like Choice1? (Hmm, did I get the "name=" and "id=" values swapped? Testing it now.)

I'm still on a steep learning curve, but I think the solution hinges on returning the concatenated value of all the text (including the text from the menus) in the submit button's onclick event handler. The only problem I'm stuck on at the moment is returning the value of one of the menu items.

I can see a second way to solve this, which is to place all the constants and variables into a KM dictionary and then instead of returning a value, let the user assemble the value from the dictionary. I'll save this technique for version 2. For now, I'm just struggling to return a single variable.

EDIT: Okay, after hours of struggles, I think I found a way to proceed. I doubt that it's the only or best way, but at least it's a way.

EDIT: Okay, I have a functioning beta macro now. It's output isn't very pretty, because I don't know much about creating styles in HTML, but at least it's functioning. I've spent hours working on this, so I'm going to take a break before deciding what to do next. I'll probably post it on its own thread this week.

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If I could double like this, I would!

What do you mean "double"? I just checked the dictionary for the meaning of that word, and couldn't find a meaning that applies here.

Double thumb up sounds better?

Very clear.

But I admit, I'm not always the sharpest person in terms of interpreting people.

After pondering it for ten minutes, I finally figured it out. You meant "to double like" as a verb. I thought you meant, "if I could perform like this." In other words, I was interpreting the word "like" as "as."

It's like the old ambiguous phrase, "Time flies like an arrow."

I have no idea if you know what I'm getting at. I was just mis-parsing the word "like."