If Front Window of Reference Macro

It really helps a lot if I can read properly, my bad. That makes more sense.

Well I would happily pay for them and you of course could write beginner, intermediate, advanced and then have an Appendix with your many other things you have made to enhance and make Keyboard Maestro work even better since you have quite a lot of those.

Oh interesting, I thought maybe it would just show up for a breif moment or at least stick what was last put in there eventhough it won't live in the preference variables.

That's cool, I have tried the Debugger many times and no doubt there are ways I can use it better. It has been easier and quicker most of the time to put in popup dialogs and long pauses for me to see where Keyboard Maestro is at in the process and where macros fail. I'll have to mess with that for Intance and Local Variables. Thanks for sharing!