TIP: Inspecting Variables while a Macro is Running (VIP - Variable Inspector Prompt)

Continuing the discussion from If Front Window of Reference Macro:

Honestly, I think the easiest way to inspect variables while a macro is running is to use my "VIP - Variable Inspector Prompt". Unfortunately, it seems to scare people, because it's got so many options.

Here's a link, but let me explain it simply below.

The easy way to use it is to import it, then look at the first macro, "10)Introduction". There's a green group.


Clear out the "Dictionary Names" parameter. Then copy the Group, and paste it into a macro where you want to look at values. I've added the green group as a Favorite.

Pretend it's a standard "Prompt for User Input" action.

When the Macro gets to the group, it shows you all the variables that KM as accessed up to this point:


One of these days I'll make a short video about it.


Because I think is better suited in this Category I’ve moved it from Questions & Suggestions…

Greetings from Germany :de:


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That would be great, though I am processing it now and hoping to implement it the bag of tricks and workflows. Thanks for sharing!

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