[SOLVED] I'm Looking to Do a Simple Macro Where I Pass a HoyKey Where the File Menu Drops Down

I'm looking to do a simple macro where I press a HoyKey where the File Menu drops down in any application.

Need help.

Thank you!

Howdy, welcome to the forum! As you might have already figured out, this is a great community full of people who love to help.

If you haven’t had the opportunity to read this tutorial, I highly recommend it. It will help you get the most help for your question.

Tip: How Do I Get The Best Answer in the Shortest Time?

That being said, the Select or Show a Menu Item [Keyboard Maestro Wiki] action is what you’re looking for. Check out that wiki page and let us know if you need further help which we’ll be happy to provide.


Hey Maureen,

Here's an example that opens the Window menu for all apps on my system that have one.

By leaving the menu-item blank you cause the menu with the title to be opened.

I use this technique all the time to allow viewing and type-selecting in various menus of various apps.

Menu ⇢ Open ⇢ Window Menu.kmmacros (4.3 KB)
Keyboard Maestro Export

Remember that after you import the macro by downloading and double-clicking in the Finder you need to make sure both the macro and its container macro group are enabled.


I thank you very much!

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