Importing images to a database

Dear all
I have a database (Ninox) where I have a lot of members. Each member has a unique member number. Likewise I have a folder with a lot of images of the persons in the database, and these image all has a 4 digit number in the beginning of the imagename. This 4 digit number identify the member number in the database. Have any one tried to import images to a database with these significa or anyone has an idea of chow to do it ?

The database can both take the image in by clicking the image field and then you will be asked to find the file in your file system or you can just open the right record and drop the image in the image field.

Thanks in advance

Perhaps you can adapt my ideas which would work with a spreadsheet, but I haven't used databases in decades, so I don't know even what their user interface looks like. If you take some screenshots of the interface, and specifically showing you solving the issue for one user/photo, I might be able to help more.

In a spreadsheet, the number could be extracted from the current cell, either by AppleScript, or by copying the current cell to the clipboard, or by OCR. From there, the 4 digit number would be extracted using a KM action. Then, knowing the number, the KM macro could select the file with the matching number. The in a spreadsheet, the name of the file could be loaded into a neighbouring cell. In short, this would work by pressing a trigger key once the user has clicked on a cell containing a string with a number in it.

Hi Alry - sorry for late answer. I got occupied, but here are some screenshots :

As you can see the member number (Danish - Medlermsnr) 1218 is the same as the first 4 digit in the file in the folder for <Photos (Danish FOTO)

Here you see what happens if I click in the picture field - the system will try to get me manually to find the folder and then the picture, where you then have to say Open

Instead of clicking the picture field - you can also just drag and drop the picture into the field and it gives the same result

Hope you can see what I mean, and again I apologise for the late answer

Med venlig hilsen/Best Regards/Herzlichen Grüßen

Leo Woer
mail : Phone : +45 2222 4622

Indsat grafik-1.tiff

Hi again Airy - just for the case of good order I need the personalin formation Pictures to be deleted when we have either solved it or called it an attempt.

Is this something I can do or how do one do it. I will of course let all my text - the question and the answer to stay in the forum.


If you add the Press Button action in Keyboard Maestro, and then use the "Button" drop down at the top right of the action to scan your Ninox app, does the picture field's button appear in the list after it's scanned? That is, scan, then click that same menu again, and you should see something like this:

Do you see a "button" listed there that might be the image well field in the database?


Hi griffman

Thanks for your answer - I have however this problem, that I cannot find this action button. Can you guide me where to look

Med venlig hilsen/Best Regards/Herzlichen Grüßen

Leo Woer
mail : Phone : +45 2222 4622

Indsat grafik-1.tiff

Dear All,
thank you very much for your input. I have now solved it the following way :slight_smile:

I found out that Ninox - if you downloaded the database to the Mac application, I was able to drag and drop the pictures, so I ended up recording a macro which did that, and then rushed through the database while activating the trigger I have set for this macro.

Thanks again for all your input.


What version of Keyboard Maestro do you use? I think this is in v11 only, and it's an action named Press A Button:



Hej Griffman I found it under all actions, and I tried to scan the cloud based database, and safari but none of these showed the Ninox database.

Med venlig hilsen/Best Regards/Herzlichen Grüßen

Leo Woer
mail : Phone : +45 2222 4622

Indsat grafik-1.tiff

When you click the button at the top right of that action, with Ninox running, you don't see Ninox in the list, as in my first screenshot?


No I didn’t can try again when I return Home