In Clipboard History Switcher, how do I hide Show Information by default?

Hello all,

In the Clipboard History Switcher, how do I hide (turn off) Show Information by default?

It seems to always default to on whenever I invoke the Switcher.


Yes, sorry, it’s not being saved. You can set the default with:

defaults write com.stairways.keyboardmaestro.engine ClipboardSwitcherInfoDisplayed --bool NO

I’ll fix it so it is properly remembered for the next version.

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Thanks @peternlewis

FYI, I tried setting the default in the terminal, and it didn’t work:

MBP-1516:~ jim$ defaults write com.stairways.keyboardmaestro.engine ClipboardSwitcherInfoDisplayed --bool NO
2017-10-14 03:39:38.859 defaults[47081:3909309] Unexpected argument NO; leaving defaults unchanged.

Thoughts? Did I miss something?

Sorry, one dash, not two in -bool. Unlike every other unix tool that takes word parameters.

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That fixed it—thank you @peternlewis !