I sometimes switch between 1280x800 and 1440x900 on my 12" retina MacBook and want to increase/decrease the zoom in BBEdit temporarily.
Fortunately since BBEdit has awesome AppleScript support, this is very easy to do, and I found John Siracusa had been looking for the same thing about 7 years ago!
Anyway, since BBEdit uses a lot of keyboard shortcuts already, I decided to skip the ⌘ key and just use the ⌥ key for these two:
⌥= will increase zoom by 1 (it's the + key without the shift)
⌥- will decrease zoom by 1
There shouldn't be any output, but if it does throw an error for some reason, it will show in a Keyboard Maestro window.
BBEdit-Zoom-in-or-out.kmmacros (4.2 KB)