This is very cool; I didn't know you could do this; thanks for sharing!
I think in this example there may be a need for a delete past clipboard to get the proper results but I could be wrong.
Otherwise you get the case as in the Orange vs the Apple

For what it's worth, the %Variable%AnyNameVariable% is recommended versus %AnyNameVariable% and not to be confused with Tokens, which also are surrounded in % % percent signs. If they were surrounded by something else, that would have made it much clearer years ago, looking through macros, that they are something different, as in the calculations used above of %SystemClipboard% and %TriggerValue%, etc. Those are tokens and not random names of variables, which can also have spaces in their names. As Peter put it here on the forum, it is not the 1970s anymore, and we can have spaces.[]=tokens
Hopefully that is useful since it has made it more difficult or me to always spot Tokens verus people's random Variable names.
Tokens Vs Variables Macro (v11.0.3)
Tokens Vs Variables Macro (v11.0.3)
2025-02-02 Tokens Vs Variables Macro (v11.0.3)
2025-02-02 Tokens Vs Variables.kmmacros (37 KB)
I am not a power user like so many here, and perhaps there is something I missed years ago about quickly being able to spot a token versus a variable. Of course, reading the whole macro, you will see when something is set to a variable, but as far as I know, unless you have all the tokens memorized, you can not just spot a token from a variable since they are both surrounded by percent signs.
In both @Airy and @griffman they used %Variable%TheVariableNameNext% to thankfully make it very clear and easy to follow though it is not required. Unfortunately (or perhaps fortunatly), when you press command+control+v and search for a variable to insert into your macro, Keyboard Maestro doesn't add that and just does the variable name. I am guessing perhaps users that do this all the time have a macro for writing this out quicker.
Insert a Variable Macro (v11.0.3)
Insert a Variable.kmmacros (31 KB)