Insert Styled Table by "Insert Styled Text by Pasting" Action (v11.0.2)

Hello, I am a new Keyboard Maestro user trying to automate the creation of a styled table. I am having trouble to get the correct table formatting within Keyboard Maestro. I have attached a table of the desired table in Google Docs, and what the table looks like in Keyboard Maestro.

EDIT: For function, the important formatting wanted is (i) alternately colored rows, and (ii) visible cell margins. Other formatting such as cell size, exact color, or color/width of the cell margins are not as important to me. Thank you all so much.

I am using a MacOS Sonoma 14.2.1 (23C71).

Thank you all very much for your valuable time.

Desired Table

Keyboard Maestro
Insert Styled Table by "Insert Styled Text by Pasting" Action (v11.0.2)

Insert Styled Text by Pasting.kmactions (15 KB)

Update #2: Guidance on where I can find the CSS / HTML / Styling of the Keyboard Maestro "Styled Text" action would work as well. My main problem is that I can't manipulate the styled text in the text editor for Keyboard Maestro's Styled Text

Actually, you can, to some degree. Use the menu item Edit->Format->Text->Show Ruler.

For me personally, I usually copy it into TextEdit, make my changes, abd paste it back in.

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