"Inspect Element" Context Menu in Custom HTML Prompt in KM10?

@peternlewis I believe that in prior versions of KM, I could right-click inside a Custom HTML Prompt window and get a popup menu allowing me to inspect the element. Like you can in a normal Safari window (with Developer Tools enabled). In other words, it was a way to open up the javascript console.

Has this gone away in KM 10? It doesn't seem to work anymore, which is a drag. :slight_smile:


defaults write com.stairways.keyboardmaestro.engine WebKitDeveloperExtras -bool YES

and relaunch the Keyboard MaestroEngine.


Bless you, kind sir!

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Does this do the same thing as the line
defaults write com.stairways.keyboardmaestro.engine WebKitDeveloperExtras TRUE that is listed in the wiki?

Yes it does.

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