Is it possible to automate Click on a Popup Menu, then Menu Item KM?


I have a program where I'm trying to get a macro to let me click a very specific target within the program.

Here is just a few second screen grab of what I want to do:

I have tried the "move and click mouse" and it doesn't work, nor does record ... Because it's not a menu dropdown I can't use that, and I'm a bit flummoxed on this one. Thanks everyone!

Should be easy enough using two Move or Click Mouse actions separated by a short Pause:

Make sense?

You are AMAZING. What you did worked with one extra step, I had to do another move and pause since there is a sub-menu of sorts before the last click. Thank you!

What program did you use to make the screenshot below? Thanks again!!!

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SnagIT 2020

Checking it out now, thx!

SnagIT 2020 is a great tool, especially if you do a lot of complex annotations,

If you want a cheaper (as in free) tool for multipurpose screen capture and annotate, video capture, and cloud storage, checkout CloudApp.

I’m looking into Snagit. Does it allow instant upload to Dropbox and return with the link in clipboard? Thx!

Yes it does. Just tested and confirmed this. It is done through the "Share" menu.
You can download/install a trial version that is fully functional for 30 days.

Ah that’s the thing, I want something that just “automatically” goes to dropbox and then copies on clipboard. It’s funny, Dropbox does this itself, but I also want something to edit the screenshot

You can set a shortcut in SnagIT Preferences to share to Dropbox. Makes it pretty painless.

Also, if you like, you can set the default location for all of your SnagIT captures to be a folder in your Dropbox setup on your Mac.

Of course, I don't want all of my SnagIT captures to be a public share, so the shortcut works well for me.

It sounds like CloudApp might be better suited for your workflow.