Is it possible to detect the frequent popup YouTube Ads [skip ad] button and click it?

how much you need to pay for the Premium ? every month ?

Same experience here: Brave does it all.


As with most subscriptions, YouTube Premium has raised its prices significantly in the past few years. We currently pay $23 / month for the Family Plan. (It was $14.99 / month not too long ago.)

Three of us share the family plan. All three of us watch a fair number of YouTube videos, so that equates to $7.67 / month / person. Google allows for up to five shared email addresses on the family plan. Each user gets their own profile — with their own favorites, subscriptions, playlists, and recommendations.

The individual plan is only $13.99 and you get 2 months free if you pay annually. I'm not trying to shill for Google. I just hate ads and only patronize platforms where I can get ad-free content.

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Thanks !

is this the official icon ?

it doesn't download …

Yes, looks like this.
The official Website it

uBlock Origin

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i got it !
it does suppress the YouTube ads ><"
that's cool.
Thanks to all of you.

Google Chrome extension ?
so if sometimes i need to switch to Chrome, this might helps ><"
thank you !