Is There a Simple Way to Search for "Secondary" Assigned Hot Keys?

Is it possible to search for "Secondary" hot key triggers? I sometimes set one then forget what it is or find it conflicts with some app. It's not a huge deal, but it would be helpful to see the "Secondary" trigger included in the "Macro" list.

Hey Ray,


You can't see the secondary hotkey in the list, but you can search for them.


"hotkey:" is very helpful, thanks. I guess there's no way to search based on modifier keys… only alphanumeric.

Hey Ray,

Sure you can. You just have to use the appropriate character:

⇧ ⌃ ⌥ ⌘

Search Strings user manual section.


Maybe using this picklist will help you a little @rcraighead. I always use it to search or display shortcuts.

Modifier Keys etc..kmmacros (27,1 KB)


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Excuse my ignorance, but how does one type the modifier characters in the "Search" field. I can paste them but I don't know how to type them.

Very cool! Way more than I would ever have thought of. Thank you!

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Hey Ray,

Google: os x how to type command characters

I have them all in a group in Typinator, so I can type an abbreviation instead of having to remember the keystrokes.

It looks to me like @appleianer's macro does the job quite neatly as well.


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Thank you. I had failed to "Customize the List" at home so I was not seeing them in the Character Viewer.