Is there a way to create a macro to copy an Email into Apple Mail into Evernote?

exactly what I needed. thank you very much !

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your macro works very well. thanks for your mentoring.
Sometimes, the PDF icon is not recognized and the macro crashes which is no problem
Sometimes, I only want to create a note from part of an email. If I understand correctly, print selection is not possible in Mail and therefore not possible to add to this macro ?
thank you

Because of the PDF button simply times the break before it expand by 1.5 or more seconds. Depending on the configuration of the mac hardware it can help.

Do you want only text sections, no PDF with header, in your Evernote note?

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pdf button: thank you
selection: ideally selection alone but pdf containing selection, with header is fine also
vielen herzlichen Dank

Am in 2 1/2 hours back at the Mac. Then report me. Do you use Hazel and also an OCR software? If yes, which?

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thank you. take your time.
OCR: adobe acrobat XI pro
hazel: I have it and would like to use but, but don’t really understand in which way it is useful. Don’t know why I bought it.
thanks again

I have asked as many walks lead to rome :upside_down_face:

If you want to keep the mail / header as PDF, you can build a macro like this:

  • Send the mail with command + P as PDF to Acrobat.
  • Acrobat runs OCR
  • Edit textpassages (delete, highlight etc.)
  • PDF then to Evernote again with command + P
  • the transfer then with the same actions (tags, titles etc.) as with the Evernote Mail macro

Hazel 4 could be installed to save the original PDF on the Mac
There are many possibilities.

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Here is the macro for a text passage. Do you want more text passages in mail?

Evernote Tuts text.kmmacros (26,5 KB)

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Bitten entschuldigen Sie die Verspätung. Sorry for the delay.
Thank you so much for the video and the macro !
You gave me even more than I wanted. It is a macro that I could use globally to copy any selection of text into evernote.
For multiple non contiguous text selections, it is no problem. A special copy append function exists with Launchbar.
thanks very very much. Vielen herzlichen Dank,

I am glad that I could help. Have fun with the macro :blush:

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Just an extremely small detail. No importance. Only if you have an idea.
What I trigger the macro, all functions fine. When I press the escape key while the macro is in progress, I hear a sound. The type of sound I hear is something like the sound you hear when you press the wrong key (although it functions normally).
Is there any way to get rid of that sound?
thanks again

The with the sound I have more times. Since the used program / app complains that this shortcut does not work or is already occupied otherwise.

With my macro I have this sound only at the last "Escape" (move into the notebook).
Use "Escape" times "SectionSign" (directly under the escape key) and the sound goes away :blush:

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I just stumbled upon this:

You can always copy the selection and create a (temporary) text file from it. Then you can invoke Acrobat (Create PDF from File) on that file. And if you create a PDF from text you don't need any OCR either.

Just a thought. But I haven't read through the whole thread, so probably I'm missing something.

In LaunchBar terminology this is called "ClipMerge" and it's great, indeed.

You can reduplicate the functionality in KM, for example:

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@ronald, I know you’ve already found a solution, but I thought this post/script from the Evernote Forum might be of interest:

postAuthor: Matthew Sangster
postDate: 2017-09-01
codeLang: AppleScript
NoteTitle: Importing from Apple’s Notes

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could you give me a few examples of how hazel is of practical use for you?
Vielen Dank

I tried it and unfortunately it both works in terms of the macro flow but inserts a § in the text wherever the cursor is

very good to know.
Wouldn’t it require an action which would determine if I want more selections and at which point I have done all the selecting I want?
thanks very much for your suggestion

looks very nice. I will test it. thanks very much

Here is the macro to delete text and get the mail information. I do not recommend Acrobat but PDFpen Pro. You must change the macro.

Evernote Text:delete.kmmacros (31,8 KB)

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