The Get button will start 5 second countdown to get coordinates.
The 5 second is too long of a time for me. I wish I could set in KM settings the default time value so that all these actions and their Get buttons will have a timeout that I specify. It would be 3 seconds for me as that is enough time to switch to app and move my mouse. 5 seconds is simply annoying.
My action timeouts default to 99 hours. I was hoping there is a "write com.stairways.keyboardmaestro.editor" option for setting that. The wiki doesn't list one. Does that mean there isn't one?
Different actions have different default timeouts. Default timeouts for actions that are expected to last a long time in normal operation (eg Pause Until) have a default 99 hour timeout (basically practically infinite).
There is no defaults write to adjust this default on a per-action basis. You could use the KMFAM or otherwise save a default action (eg in a Named Clipboard).