Is there a Windows equivalent to Keyboard Maestro?


It would be great if we (okay, me) could always use only Macs. But, sometimes we need to use other tools. Sometimes a lot.

If you’re in the same boat, has anyone come across a good Keyboard Maestro equivalent for Windows?


AutoHotKey is the one most frequently mentioned to me by Windows users.

I have (had, since I’ve moved forward to OS X) very good experiences with MacroToolworks. The developer is very helpful. Together with the SAX engine for VBA in the Pro version you can achieve impressive solutions.

BTW: Something I still miss is the ability to detect the opening/activation of windows (dialogue boxes). (Peter told us that there simply is no event defined for this in OS X.) Never looked into the third-party plug-in.

Thanks for these suggestions. I’ve checked them out, and it’s a compliment to Peter to say that in the big wide world of Windows software, there doesn’t seem to be anything with the utility and ease of use of KM.

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