Is there anyone I can pay to make some scripts for Daylite

I want to manipulate daylite from KM. Can anyone suggest someone I can hire to make some scripts?



That is exactly what I wanted at the beginning -- a paid guide to get me started.
A guide paid to focus on my needs, my questions -- not random chatter on a forum.
Would have saved so much time and frustration.

? Is it time to start a section on this forum:

"The KM Market Place"

  • Help Wanted

  • Help Offered

(I'm ready to post one item in "wanted" and another in "offered".)

Daylite has its own built-in language of sorts. Marketcircle certifies professional consultants as Daylite experts, so you could consider that route. I believe there is a list of these people on its web site.

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Start here:

The companies listed on this page would have the chops to do what you want.