Issue with Variable via User Prompt

I have a problem when assigning variables via User Prompt under these circumstances:

  • the variable has a displayed name part in the prompt (separated by two underscores)
  • the value of the variable ends with one or more newlines

In this case the content of the variable seems to get "lost".

Here is a MWE:

[debug] Variable via User Prompt.kmmacros (3.7 KB)

The first variable (tmp1, "First") displays fine, the second one with the newline (tmp2, "Second") is displayed as empty string.

If I remove the displayed name part (= the two underscores plus the name) everything is fine.

Could anybody please try to reproduce this? Either I'm doing something wrong or something is wrong with my KM or this is a bug.

Thanks in advance.

Yes, it seems that processing __ separated options does not cope with returns in the value.

I will get that fixed for the next version.

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