Issues with Click at Found Image Across Multiple Machines

I'm having a really difficult time with one portion of this complicated macro I use often.

On one machine this macro works fine, no issues at all.

On the other machine, it can't seem to click this one found image.

Things I've tried to rectify this:

-Checked to make sure resolution and scaling is similar across both machines.

-Made sure Best was selected and Pressed the Go button to make sure it was properly selecting the image.

-Tried to replace the found image with a new image taken on the other computer. The weird thing about this is it will work when we press "Go", but it won't work when we actually perform the macro.

Because that was happening, it led me to believe that it was a pausing issue, that the Click at Found Image action was not firing at the right time and as a result couldn't find the image. I already had an action that Pauses until the image is found, but as a further safeguard we added a 10 second pause directly before this action to try and resolve it.

The strange thing is the 10 second pause was not performed when we ran the macro. I also added a notification before the pause and that action also was not performed.

I'm wondering if there are issues with my synced file? Wondering why on one machine it would allow me to add actions and perform them fine, while on another machine the changes to the macro seem to be disregarded.

Any suggestions to resolve this would be great. Usually I post my macro here, but it is very long and it's only an issue with this small portion. Let me know if anything else is needed to understand the problem.

FYI… You can post just the actions in question.

Do you have KM in "Edit" mode on the second computer and are you test it from KM or strictly by the shortcut?

I agree, it seems VERY odd a notification and pause would be ignored. You should be able to look at the macro on that mac to verify it is present.

Switch/Case Action (v9.2)

Switch-Case.kmactions (165 KB)

Here are the actions in question. The Issue is with "Click Truck Order Additional Items"

I have KM in Edit mode on the 2nd machine where we are having issues and we added the actions from that machine. I'm selecting this Macro group and clicking "Try"

Are you leaving the target app active when you click "Try"? I find making the target app active then "right-clicking" the actions works for me. Is this app on a different screen? If so, I may be best to target ONLY that screen in the action.

Or you could have an action to "Activate the target app" within the macro.

Ok, interesting. The other computer does have two displays, so maybe there is something there to look at. I'm going to give that a shot.

EDIT: I am making sure the application is active prior to running the action, there are previous click at found images which are working fine within that application.

For macros featuring found images, I have separate versions for my iMac and my Macbook Pro (since the images are slightly different). I use the same trigger for both, but I keep one version in my Macbook Pro macro group (which is disabled on my iMac), and vice versa.

That is a pretty interesting solution. We purposely bought similar displays across these different work computers so that we wouldn't have any issues with this. We also have tons of other Click at Found Image actions that are working just fine which makes this so perplexing.

I notice the hamburger menu has a border on it making the menu itself slightly off center. I wonder if the click button at center image is off a bit on one computer vs. the other (i have no idea why this would be). You might try offsetting your click a little bit to the right and a little bit down to center on the hamburger more.

Oh, wait i see it isn't the hamburger menu causing the issue. Hmm, the Click "Truck Order Additional Items" found image is kind of generic, possible it's jumping somewhere else? Maybe include more of the stuff around the image so it's more unique then use the mouse offsets to make sure you're click the center of that box?

The issue is when I click Go to test it, it always jumps to the right place. When I run the macro I'm getting an error saying that it cannot be found.

Wow...dumb move on my part!!

It's all a switch case action! I was looking at the wrong branch of actions, that explains why it wasn't performing the actions I was expecting it to and also the Click at Found image wasn't working. Was pretty easy to resolve once I figured that out.

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Great! I deal with similar issues everyday. We have 7 macs with dual monitors using the same macro set. FYI… one tip someone shared here is to create a variable for each screen. This reduces the load on KM when searching for images.
The variable is assigned to the screen based on its location.