I’m trying to whip up a macro that will allow me to select (from Prompt for User Input ) days/times from two dropdowns. How can I set things up to have the prompt repeat itself so that I can select an additional set of days/times if I wish? And how can I discretely capture the variables for each iteration of the prompt?
How you design such a macro depends a lot on how you intend to use the data. If you can provide the following, we can be more helpful:
- What is the source of the dates you are selecting?
- How will you use these dates? Specific examples please.
Meanwhile, here's a general tip: Add a "More Dates" button to the Prompt.
IF the %Result Button%
(button clicked by user) is "More Dates", display another prompt.
Ah, putting multiple prompts in sequence… way easier than what I was trying to do (which was essentially use more ‘More Dates’ trick to loop back to the start of the macro using the “Until” function)!
Thanks for returning me to simplicity
If you want simple, here's one approach:
- Provide a Prompt form with the max number of dates you would expect.
- Enter the dates you want
- Leave the others blank
Definitely considered that earlier. The aesthete in me is driven nuts by the extra fields hanging around that (possible/likely) won’t be used lol. I’m good with your first solution, have implemented it, and it’s working well