JSON Get Object name (v9.2)


I'm trying to catch an Object Name inside a JSON variable.
I'm aware of the [https://wiki.keyboardmaestro.com/function/JSONVALUE](https://JSON function).
But I can't figure out how to get an object or key name.

In this JSON:

I would like to get the UID "03266189-A859-4ECD-A311-94B6DD38A8A2" just after "Estimate" who's an object and not a value.

Thanks for your help

Actions (v9.2)

Keyboard Maestro Actions.kmactions (1.1 KB)

Hi, you are very close to what you are looking for.
You have narrowed down to get {"03266189-A859-4ECD-A311-94B6DD38A8A2":{}}.
You only need one more step to go:

Next, you can either use a regex search to get the string in the double quote. (Note: I use a different variable name).

Or, you can use the JSON key action to get the key.

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Thanks Martin, that's exactly what I need