Keeping Scripts (and More) In Sync

Then, Option 2 is for you.

Obviously, Option 2 as I have described it in the previous post, was entirely without Finder input. But , no problem, you can get the same thing parting from a Finder selection instead of a LB selection:

  1. In the Finder select the file which should be the target of the Alias (or Symlink or whatever)
  2. Press your Instant Send key (as set in LB’s prefs)
  • The LB window comes up and your Finder-selected file is focused in the LB window
  1. In the LB window, press the Tab key
  2. Then (still in LB) navigate to the destination folder (via Arrow keys or via abbreviations)
  3. Once you have found the destination folder, hit Return
  • You will be presented with the usual Copy/Move/Alias/Symlink/Hardlink prompt
  1. Make your selection, either via Arrow key up/down, or via number key + Return, or via long-press of number key.

To sum it up:

It’s like Option 2 from the previous post, just with the difference that the starting point is a Finder-selected item (instead of a LB-selected item).