Keyboard Maestro 2015 State of the Union

2015 has been a great year for Keyboard Maestro.

2015 saw Keyboard Maestro version 7 released, the sixth major version that I have released over the last eleven years. Keyboard Maestro 7 was well received and it seems that most users have upgraded which is always nice to see - at least it means the new version is providing good value to existing customers which is very important to me, and why Keyboard Maestro has always had a paid upgrade system so that my interests and existing users interests are aligned.

2015 also saw the significant growth of this forum which now has almost 1500 topics, almost all of which get some sort of answers. Without really wanting to single anyone out as there are so many helpful people on the forum, I have to thank especially to @ccstone, @JMichaelTX and @ComplexPoint who between then have posted over 2000 replies (which is a quarter of all the replies on the forum!). There is absolutely no way I could support all the Keyboard Maestro users without the help of all of you.

Speaking of all the Keyboard Maestro users, Keyboard Maestro’s user base continues to grow, up about 20% from last year. In fact, Keyboard Maestro has grown at a rate of roughly 10% every five months for the last six years which is pretty amazing, and I think stands as a testament to all the folks who use and get value out of Keyboard Maestro promoting it to the people they know. So to all of you who have encouraged a friend or colleague to try Keyboard Maestro, I would like to offer my thanks.

2015 also saw a massive improvement to the wiki, again thanks to a number of folks. With version 7’s release, it also saw a tight integration with the wiki so that you can get direct help on triggers, actions, tokens, functions, collections, conditions.

So all in all, a great year. Hopefully for all of you, Keyboard Maestro continues to be an essential tool, something you are happy to continue recommending to others. There remains a thousand things on the todo list, so there is lots more to come over the years ahead.

Merry Christmas and Happy New Year to all of you, wishing you all a productive year, leaving lots of time left to spend with friends and family!


I would also like to thank @peternlewis for making such an awesome app.
And all in this forum for helping out.
Happy new year.

Peter, thanks for this great app and the good work. Keep it up!
A very happy new year to you all!

###I heartily agree, Peter.

Many, many thanks for making Keyboard Maestro not only one of, if not the most, powerful tool for the Mac that is also very easy to use, and very rarely has any material bugs. I use it many times a day, every day.

Enjoy the coming year !

Excellent product, and exemplary support of the user community.

Thanks Peter.

KM is the best productivity app I have ever owned. You get so much for the price you pay and the support/community is amazing. I rely so much on it for my work I wouldn’t mind paying ten times as much for it. In fact, I do think you should raise the price to increase the perceived value of the app. I kept bumping into KM for years and dismissing it as a cheaper alternative to TextExpander.