Keyboard Maestro 8.0.4 “Safari Tick Mark” Macro

Keyboard Maestro 8.0.4 “Safari Tick Mark” Macro

Hello Maestros,

What is the best way to have the status in your palette show using the Mark Macro action? For example, I have a Palatte with Safari in it and I have a working macro that does what I need but it doesn't look so efficient. Can anyone provide guidance? Thanks so much!

No, that is definitely not efficient, nor a good idea.

Instead of “every 2 seconds”, use triggers:

  • Safari Launches
  • Safari Quits
  • Engine Start

That should probably be sufficient.

Thank you for your time Peter. I expanded the macro to add all of the items in the palette similar to what you showed on your website via the screenshot example. I used application activates and deactivates triggers instead with many if then conditions for the various applications. Thank again for your reply Sir!

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