Keyboard Maestro & External Keypad Issue

Hello everybody,

I purchased an external Bluetooth numeric keypad for Christmas to pair with my MacBook Pro.

It is this model:

Satechi Aluminum Slim Rechargeable Bluetooth Keypad

At first everything seemed to work normally, but after a few weeks I realized that suddenly when I pressed the "8" key on the numeric keypad the computer did not recognize the pressing of the key, i.e. nothing happened.

The same thing happens by activating the Virtual Extended Keyboard software (GitHub - chigkim/Virtual-Extended-Keyboard) which allows you to reproduce the numeric keypad layout with the MacBook Pro keyboard.

I found that if I deactivate Keyboard Maestro (also exiting the KM engine) the keypad works perfectly, even the “8” key.

I would like to point out that I have not performed any changes or added macros in Keyboard Maestro in this period.

I also underline that Logic Ease ( is also installed on the computer, a software to facilitate the use of the Logic Pro program for blind people ( pro/) which installs a set of macros in Keyboard Maestro.

This is the configuration I'm using:


  1. MacBook Pro 14’’ Fall 2023

a) Model. No. A2442

b) SL / 10C CPU / 16C GPU / 16 GB / 1TB


a) Mac Os: Sonoma (14.5)

b) Logic Pro: 11.0.1

c) Logic Ease: Version for Logic Pro 11.0.1

d) Virtual Extended Keyboard (GitHub - chigkim/Virtual-Extended-Keyboard) v. 0.1.0

Can anyone explain to me what the cause could be and how to fix it?

Thank a lot.


Hello! It sounds like one of your macros may have a hot key trigger using 8 on the numpad.

Try using the search field in the Keyboard Maestro Editor to find it by selecting the "All Macros" group and then entering

trig:Key Pad 8

In the Search field. This should show all macros that use the 8 on the number pad as a trigger and hopefully help you narrow what's swallowing your 8 key :slight_smile:

I've got the extended version of that keypad and it works with no problems at all.

I suggest that @Evan_Mangiamele's suggestion could be the root cause of the problem, but do remember that the keypad keys are recognised as different to the normal keys - take a look:


Thank you so much!
I'll check it out and I'll give you some feedback of the results.

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Thank you so much!
I'm aware of the difference between the different low level keycodes of the two keys but It's always good to remember it...! :grinning:

thank to your suggestion I could find the "indicted" macro in KM.
So I was able to solvw the problem.
Thank you so much!

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thanks to Mr. Mangiamele suggestion I could find the "indicted" macro in KM.
So I was able to solve the problem.
Thank you so much!

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as you probably already understood I'm a newbie in using the forum.
As I was able to solve the problem I'm wondering whether there is the need in the forum to mark my post a "solved" or "closed" or whatsoever...
I did a little search but I wasn't able to find a button o flag to mark the post this way.
Do you please have any suggestion?
Thank a lot.

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Go to the post that provided the solution. At the bottom of it you'll see these icons:

Just click the one highlighted to mark it as the solution.

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Found it!
Thank you so much.