Keyboard Maestro - Show Most Recently Executed Macro - (1) Open Most Recently Used Macros v5 Macro (v10.0.1)

How do I find a Macro I've used or modified recently?

You can also click the ◷ button above the macro editor pane to select from recently modified macros, or use the ⌘ button to select from recently used macros."

manual:How do I [Keyboard Maestro Wiki]

I don't quite understand what populates the clock button at the top of the editor. I have a bunch of macros I have not modified in ages that show up in the modified button menu when I click and hold.

FWIW clicking and holding on the Used shows in order of used macros.

Hey @skillet,

You don't actually have to edit a macro for it to show up there – all you have to do is look at it in the Keyboard Maestro Editor.


Thank you, that makes way more sense I see that behavior now. So "Viewed" would be a better title rather than modified. Thanks for the clarification.