Keyboard Maestro with Pro Tools and Midi

Hello everyone! So I have a question that is kind of a few questions in one. Or at least, I know it will be a step of help to get where I hope I can get!

So, for the overview of what I am needing to do is access a memory location inside of Pro Tools, and then make it selectable through a midi or controller. The first part to get working is Pro Tools to be reactive to Keyboard Maestro. I have read the forums and looked at the manual but the part that I can't figure out is that the keyboard entry for Memory Locations is a mutiple of keys. For instance, .8. means memory location 8. It has the period before and after. So for my first question: How do I get Keyboard Maestro to read a multiple key entry as a single Hot Key or key?

This leads to second part, which I have't even arrived at. But then, from there, how can I get that key combination to relate to a certain Midi CC note? I am guessing this will take a string of macros to achieve this. Ideally, I want to be able to assign the Memory Locations to a different pedal for each song to be performed for our live back track. I hope this is possible! So I select a pedal for that song and it goes.

Any help would be GREATLY appreciated! Been sitting here scratching my head for a couple days now after purchasing Keyboard Maestro!

Four years later, but here's a solution (let's assume it's marker 123):

-Create New Macro > Name it "Marker 123"
-New Trigger > MIDI Trigger > Press your pedal to add MIDI note
-Will Execute The Following Actions > "Type A Keystroke" > "."
-Add Action > "Type A Keystroke" > "1"
-Add Action > "Type A Keystroke" > "2"
-Add Action > "Type A Keystroke" > "3"
-Add Action > "Type A Keystroke" > "."