Do you see a problem with using KM to fill in the PW to sign into 1PW?
Do you see a problem with using KM to fill in the PW to sign into 1PW?
Hi @jimmys - welcome to the KM Forum.
If your question is intended for Peter N Lewis then you should follow the instructions on the KM support page here: manual:Support [Keyboard Maestro Wiki] as he does not monitor this Forum as a matter of routine.
In terms of getting KM to enter the master password into 1Password, well I do it all the time in one of my macros and it's never been a problem but then I'm using version 7; I don't know if it will continue to be OK with version 8 though.
I use a KM macro in 1Password 8 with no problem. It is pretty straight-forward:
Triggered by a hot key and named something that doesn't reveal its purpose to anyone except it me.
Hi @rolian - that's good to know about 1Password version 8.
From your post it sounds like you have your master password embedded as plain text in your macro. If that's true you should seriously consider "hiding" it in a KM password variable. There's a recent discussion of this here:
Wow, that's a new one on me and I've been using KM for 10 years+. Thanks!!
Update 703PM CDT:
Made the password variable - it is hidden automagically in KM's list of variables, but I had to manually hide it in Dan Thomas's Variable Inspector macro set. Just a word to the wise.
I use Dan’s macro too but I don’t remember a problem with regard to KM’s password variables. I’ll look into that and report back later! Thanks!
There is also this way, which I think is even more secure:
I would retrieve the password from the Keychain, using the method below and use it as a Local Variable (or Password Variable).
Interestingly, the Password Variables only last as long as the Keyboard Maestro Engine is running so, on a restart they won't be there anymore (if I am reading the Wiki correctly).
And Local Variable are cleared as soon as the Macro is done. So, for me I think I’d rather use a Local Variable for this task. (After first setting it via the Keychain method).
Well @rolian I've just checked and found that I'm using the same technique
that @Zabobon mentions. In other words, I use a local variable to extract the keychain password into. When the macro terminates, the local variable is automatically destroyed by KM and does not then appear in any utility that allows variables to be listed/viewed.
I always use the same name for the local variable: Local_Password
It's been so long ago that I constructed my macros that use passwords from my keychain that I don't remember why I use local variables and not just straight password variables. But, like @Zabobon, I've found it to be very secure.