KM and Sonoma

Hmm.. I just read over in the BTT forum a similar report. Andreas says there that Sonoma is mis-reporting the menu height. That may be the problem.

For what it's worth, my own window macros are working fine, but I don't use SCREENVISIBLE.

Hi. It's not just the height is the width too. May I ask what do you use for resizing your windows. Can you share some of them?

D'oh. This is my greatest shame and secret about Keyboard Maestro. I've got this fairly terrific framework for window management and I've never shared it. Many reasons..

  1. It's one of my earliest works with "journeyman project" so I built it without any thought of sharing it on

  2. So it's far from my best work and completely undocumented. I've been meaning to deal with that..

  3. Also I "acquired" a bunch of stuff from this forum to make it work, without the necessary attributions (See #1)

  4. The stuff I really use works well, but it's not completely tested. (Firing a KBM macro on a window event seemed like a good idea, but it's never really come up in my practice.)

I'm sorry, this sounds like a big tease but it's more of a confession of guilt. I've been meaning to put all this right and share but there's never been time.

But, I'd be more than willing to discuss approaches and features of such a solution with other people, perhaps in another thread.

Oh, your original question: I had to go back to look (it's been a while) Okay, I use the SCREEN() function. But I also keep my menubar hidden most of the time. (+1 to Menuwhere, when you've got a lot of screen real estate you don't want to be dragging your mouse around all day)

That must be why the Sonoma bug doesn't affect me.

I don't know how that helps you, but confession is good for my soul.

I have exactly the same problem, really weird move/resize behaviour, which for me only started to occur after the 14.1 upgrade and not with the initial 14.0. Never tried the beta. Any ideas on this, @peternlewis ? Thanks!

Exactly what same problem?

I don't know of any window issues in Sonoma 14.1.

Well, in some applications (e.g. Chrome, Finder... but I have the impression not all the time?) window moving & resizing is not behaving as expected. I have shortcuts to throw windows to the left/right side, to the second monitor, to center, to make full screen etc and they do not do that immediately. E.g. a full screen move first takes like 4/5ths and only on repeating the shortcut it does the full screen. It is really weird.

Thanks & cheers --M.

This is a fairly well-documented issue, dating back at least a couple of years.

Note Peter's comments on one particular post:


This workaround helped me. I'm working in Excel trying to select a menu item and this was blowing up. Unticking "Failure Aborts Macro" does allow the action to execute, however it takes noticeably longer and also still triggers the error. I hope KM / Apple comes up with a way to select menu items without this workaround. Thanks for the tip!

My macos upgraded to sonoma and I found the macro to enter my password to unlock safari password manager no longer work.
The macro will look for below screen to show up, then enter the password to unlock it.

It was working flawlessly before the sonoma upgrade. Now whenever this popup screen show up, the macro didn't work, KM shows 'secure input enabled'. In very few cases it worked ok but 90% of case it didn't. Does anyone know how to make it work?


Sonoma is not good in conjunction with KM, I have a lot of slow macros after the upgrade, very laggy. I hope that will be a fix for it.

bad news... my company forced upgrade :frowning: