KM Asks for License Information Every Time I Reboot My MacBook

Has anyone else run into this? Every time I reboot my MacBook (which I admittedly don't have to do very often) KM tells me my trial period is up and I have to re-enter my license information. It's not a huge problem but I figure I must be doing something wrong for it to keep happening. Thanks in advance for any suggestions anyone might have.

I love Keyboard Maestro; saves me a ton of time!

Hey Ken,

Welcome to the forum!  :smile:

This is problematic (of course) and shouldn't be happening.

Please give us more specific information about which MacBook you have and what version of macOS you're using.

You may (or may not) get faster support by using one of the official support channels.

Contact Keyboard Maestro Support


I'm on a late 2013 MacBook Pro 15" running Big Sur. In the meantime, I should add that I've realized it also happens with LaunchBar 6 so it's not limited to KeyBoard Maestro. Maybe someone here has run into this before, but obviously I'm going to need to look elsewhere. Thanks for your quick response!

@peternlewis – Please Note.

For licensing issues like this, contact

One of your preference files is likely corrupted (in this case, like ~/Library/Preferences/com.stairways.keyboardmaestro.plist)- sometimes the system corrupts the preference files, and since the preferences are stored through an Apple API, the corruption is undetectable to the running app.

Thanks, @ccstone and @peternlewis. I'll send to support! Sorry about the wrong method...

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